Tuesday 1 September 2009

Wards Corner Coalition: Inspiring Ideas

I have recently been to see a presentation by a group based in Tottenham who are hoping to save a market in their neighbourhood which has independent traders and faces imminent demolition. They have faced massive difficulties and have grouped together to fight the developers/ council.

In their words "The Wards Corner Community Coalition are fighting to prevent the demolition of public place and displacement of people. We are a grassroots campaign struggling to remove barriers of inequality and reclaim the right to Place and involvement in the Planning process. We must demand and encourage processes that push for progressive social and spatial justice in response to urban decline. We must not allow public authorities and private developers to have exclusive rights to say what is in our best interest and to displace those people they claim the development is meant to help."

Their website is http://wardscorner.wikispaces.com/

I have the contatc details of those who have started and maintain this campaign if anyone would like to take these links forward.

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